
Driving Revenue: The Top Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Increased Sales

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Imagine unlocking a stream of passive income that flows in even when you’re not actively working. Affiliate marketing offers this tantalizing prospect to those who master its strategies.

With roots in the earliest days of online marketing, affiliate marketing has blossomed into an effective tool that businesses of all sizes use to drive sales and increase visibility.

This article delves into the high-yield world of affiliate marketing, providing valuable insights on selecting the right program, engaging your audience, and leveraging different platforms to amplify your revenue potential.

Why Affiliate Marketing?

In the competitive world of digital businesses, using every available strategy to increase sales is essential. One such strategy is affiliate marketing, a powerful tool that smart companies leverage for exponential growth. Affiliate marketing allows businesses to collaborate with individuals or other companies—who become affiliates—to promote their products or services. With its performance-based model, affiliate marketing stands out by offering precise tracking of sales, leads, and clicks. This precision ensures that businesses can quickly measure engagement and return on investment (ROI), making it an incredibly efficient marketing strategy.

Not only does affiliate marketing enable measurement and tracking, but it also taps into the power of relationship building. Affiliates who share the same industry as the business can enhance lead acquisition and expand audience reach, providing a deeper penetration into targeted markets. When affiliates are passionate and knowledgeable about the products or services they are promoting, their authenticity shines through, significantly improving sales.

Moreover, affiliate marketing is known for its high ROI. The cost-effective nature of only paying for actual sales means that marketing budgets are used more efficiently compared to other marketing channels that might require payment upfront without guaranteeing a return. To achieve success in affiliate marketing, businesses must ensure that they promote relevant products or services that align with the immediate needs and wants of their target audience. This relevance leads to higher conversion rates and greater customer satisfaction, rounding off why affiliate marketing is an increasingly popular choice for boosting sales.

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing shines as one of the most strategic ways to amplify brand visibility, especially beneficial for small businesses working with more modest marketing budgets. This form of marketing provides a cost-effective solution that extends beyond simple sales numbers. It plays a vital role in brand promotion and establishing trust with prospective customers, as affiliates often have a strong rapport with their followers or readership.

By tapping into the networks of relevant affiliates, companies also gain the opportunity to reach new audiences—ones that might have remained untapped by traditional advertising methods. The trust that these affiliates have already cultivated with their audience lends credibility to their recommendations, acting as a form of social proof that can encourage potential customers to convert.

In addition to increased visibility and reach, the ROI of affiliate marketing can be quite attractive when compared to other marketing avenues. With a payment structure that remunerates based on actual sales, businesses are assured a more efficient use of their marketing spend.

Beyond the tangible benefits, successful affiliate marketing also hinges on strategic considerations. It requires businesses to have a firm grasp of their audience’s needs, to create valuable and SEO-optimized content, maintain transparency (including clear affiliate disclosures), and conduct regular performance analysis for continued optimization. These practices help forge a successful affiliate marketing program that benefits all parties involved—the business, the affiliate, and the end consumer.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

At its core, affiliate marketing is about relationships—between the business (seller), the affiliate (promoter), and the customer. The business pays the affiliate for the sales generated through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. This payment may take various forms, such as commissions for each sale, a flat rate for leads generated, or a sum for each click directed to the business’s website.

There are several payment models in affiliate marketing, each serving different objectives:

  • Pay-per-sale: Affiliates receive a percentage of the sale price of the product or service they sold.
  • Pay-per-lead: Affiliates are paid based on the conversion of leads, such as a user signing up for a free trial or filling out a contact form.
  • Pay-per-click: Affiliates earn payments based on the number of clicks they generate, directing traffic to the business’s website.

The process relies heavily on affiliates convincing consumers to take action, leading to increased organic traffic and potential sales for the business. For the affiliate, this marketing approach can often translate into a lucrative form of passive income through commissions earned via product promotions.

Effective affiliate marketing requires continuous tracking and analysis to understand which strategies work best. Tools like Google Analytics can be instrumental in monitoring the success of affiliate campaigns and helping both businesses and affiliates refine their approaches to maximize affiliate income.

In summary, affiliate marketing is a dynamic strategy that relies on trusted endorsements and strategic partnerships, aimed at driving sales and generating income for both businesses and their affiliates. By understanding and implementing best practices, businesses can harness the full potential of affiliate marketing to achieve their sales goals.

Choosing the Right Affiliate Program

Selecting the ideal affiliate marketing program is a pivotal decision for those seeking to monetize their influence and content. When scrutinizing potential programs, it’s paramount to remember that these are performance-based marketing arrangements, so finding a good match can determine the success of your affiliate efforts.

An optimal affiliate program encompasses more than just attractive commissions. It should feature a diverse range of affiliates across multiple platforms, as this can magnify the reach of your marketing initiatives and bolster sales. Furthermore, it’s crucial to consider the quality and relevance of the products or services you’ll be promoting. Aligning with high-quality offerings not only assists in maintaining your credibility but also ensures that your audience perceives your recommendations as trustworthy.

Digital products or services often serve as lucrative promotions within these programs due to their instant deliverability, which can satiate the modern consumer’s desire for immediate gratification and lead to higher conversion rates. Lastly, negotiating terms with vendors willing to adjust commission schemes based on sales performance can grant more stability to your affiliate business, providing a more predictable stream of affiliate income.

Researching Affiliate Programs

Proper research is the backbone of any successful affiliate marketing strategy. It’s essential to set clear objectives and pinpoint quantifiable goals before enticing affiliates with compensation for specific acts such as sales, leads, or clicks. By leveraging analytics to monitor affiliate performance over time, you can constantly refine your program for improved outcomes.

Working with partners across various social media platforms and other digital channels will enhance the robustness of your marketing efforts. Regular assessments of each affiliate’s efficiency ensure you capitalize on the most efficacious partnerships. Therefore, a well-researched strategy considers not just the breadth but also the depth of partner relationships, adjusting to favor the tactics that yield the best returns.

Evaluating Commission Rates and Payouts

The allure of commission rates can greatly impact the motivation levels of affiliates. These rates may be used as short-term enticements in markedly competitive programs or adjusted to reward exceptional performance. Consider implementing a bonus structure that rewards sales volumes or certain actions, which can stoke the motivation and fidelity of affiliates to the program.

Another innovative approach is consumption-based commissioning, which diminishes risk and provides keen insights into customer behavior by remunerating affiliates only after confirmation of user engagement with the product or service. For the sake of program integrity, it’s imperative to lucidly explicate the scheme’s rules and expectations—this transparency prevents misunderstandings and combats fraudulent behavior.

Finding opportunities to renegotiate commissions on the basis of performance is also a shrewd strategy, fostering a win-win scenario for both the affiliate and the vendor. By engaging in genuine partnerships that allow for fluid commission structures, both parties can adapt to market trends and optimize their revenue potential.

Considering the Reputation and Support of the Affiliate Program

An esteemed affiliate program is a bedrock for longevity in the affiliate marketing domain. The program’s reputation and the vendor’s support are both vital. Affiliates depend on robust support networks and clear communication from their chosen programs to effectively market products or services. Whether it be through blogs, websites, or social media platforms, the backing of a well-regarded program can amplify an affiliate’s efforts in generating leads and driving sales.

The success of any affiliate venture lies in providing incentives that spur affiliates to engage their audiences actively. This engagement often translates into sales, which in turn upholds the circulation of commissions and incentives. Pay close attention to customer feedback gathered by affiliates—it’s a treasure trove for enhancing product offerings, boosting consumer satisfaction, and cementing customer loyalty.

To build a prosperous affiliate marketing business requires sophisticated strategies such as crafting compelling content, strategic link placement, and executing retargeting campaigns. These techniques are essential in funneling traffic and ensuring effective conversions. When these elements are in harmony with a reputable program, the stage is set for a successful affiliate marketing endeavor.

Building Your Audience

Building a robust audience is fundamental to elevating your affiliate marketing strategy. A successful affiliate marketer understands that the crux of affiliate marketing is not about aggressive selling but rather about fostering trust and offering genuine help to people. Statistics show that affiliate programs can contribute notably to an advertiser’s revenue, with a range spanning between 15% to 30%. However, with almost half of affiliate marketers earning less than $20,000 a year, it becomes clear that only those with a honed, strategic approach will excel in this competitive field.

To build and maintain a dedicated following, transparency with your audience is indispensable. A successful affiliate marketer is an authentic one—listeners and readers can discern sincerity and will reciprocate trust when they believe your recommendations arise from honest evaluations rather than ulterior motives. This relationship is fortified by understanding the needs of your audience, crafting SEO-friendly content that adds real value, and closely monitoring your marketing performance through tools like Google Analytics to tweak your tactics continuously.

Understanding Your Target Audience

To make a marked increase in sales through affiliate marketing, it is crucial to have an in-depth comprehension of your target audience. The practice is more than promoting products—it’s an exercise in empathy, where the aim is to resonate with and meet consumer needs. Authentic product evaluations and personal endorsements significantly augment the buyer’s experience, thereby improving the probability of conversion.

Tracking audience behavior, employing segmentation lists, and discerning use of affiliate links ensures precision when aiming for the proper segments of your audience. Such strategies, underpinned by a thorough understanding of your audience’s preferences, are integral for the effective promotion of products and subsequently hiking affiliate sales. Further diversify your tactics by adding affiliate links through various mediums such as social media, tailored landing pages, and email marketing campaigns, ambushing stagnation and keeping your audience’s engrossed.

Creating Relevant and Valuable Content

Valuable and relevant content is the lifeblood of successful affiliate marketing. Consummate content not only draws your audience in but keeps them coming back—a testament to the worth of information being imparted. Timeless or evergreen content can continue to yield dividends long after being published with minimal upkeep, such as periodic updates to links or information. Conversely, staying attuned to trends and incorporating discussions on hot topics keeps content engagement high and can draw additional organic traffic from search engines.

High-quality content should wield on-page optimization like a maestro, utilizing targeted keywords, internal linking, and audience-focused verbiage—not to forget captivating, optimized images. Moreover, unique tracking codes for affiliate links across various content channels can open a window into understanding the performance and conversions driven by your content, thus enabling you to refine your campaigns for maximum return on investment (ROI).

Growing Your Email List

A likely underutilized goldmine in affiliate marketing is the power of growing a well-segmented email list. Successful marketers like Pat Flynn and Zac Johnson have underscored the importance of this asset, which stands tall with a potential return of $36 for every dollar invested. To build an email list, offer value upfront—give away a compelling ebook, access to exclusive content, or an inside look at an otherwise hidden facet of your niche to incentivize subscriptions.

This direct line to your subscribers grants you the extraordinary opportunity to communicate affiliate offers intimately and personally. Effective email marketing, with the promise of a remarkable $40 ROI for every dollar spent, offers a substantial avenue to amplify your affiliate sales over time. Tailored, content-rich emails that provide real value to subscribers can significantly contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your affiliate marketing efforts. Always remember, in the realm of affiliate marketing, your email list is not just a list—but a community of potential buyers and advocates for the products you endorse.

Promoting Affiliate Products

To bolster sales through affiliate marketing, it is imperative to adopt diversified promotional tactics. The objective is not only to entice potential customers but also to reward them for their patronage. The deployment of promo codes such as coupons and discounts stands as a formidable tool, encouraging purchases while fostering consumer satisfaction. Such incentives not only drive sales but also serve to attract new customers who are looking for more value in their shopping experiences.

Using Various Platforms and Channels

In the realm of affiliate marketing, the adage ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ could not be more apt. Integrating affiliate marketing strategies across varied platforms and channels can significantly enhance product visibility and sales. Product reviews on blog posts can fundamentally reshape your inbound marketing strategy, offering customers valuable insights and solutions. Moreover, webinars hosted by affiliates can showcase products, answering potential buyers’ questions and piquing their interest.

After a successful campaign, collaboration with marketing teams can breed more extensive initiatives, magnifying both reach and impact. Whether through digital channels or physical interactions, like in-store cross-promotions à la Taco Bell, these synergies can amplify your marketing efforts. Embracing a multi-channel strategy, including social media, PPC ads, influencer marketing, and organic search traffic, can ensure your affiliate products are omnipresent and accessible to a broad spectrum of potential customers.

Implementing Effective SEO Strategies

Navigating the competitive digital landscape requires the astute implementation of SEO strategies. By conducting thorough keyword research—pinpointing non-competitive and long-tail keywords—you can draw in a focused audience ready for conversion. Technical SEO should not be overlooked; improving site speed and optimizing for mobile are paramount in appeasing search engines algorithms.

On-page SEO tactics are equally crucial, ensuring that each page is finely tuned to secure higher rankings and attract more eyes. For affiliate marketers targeting specific communities or regions, local SEO can be instrumental in harnessing organic traffic from particular locales. These SEO efforts work collectively to steer a significant stream of relevant traffic towards affiliate pages, nurturing the journey from curious visitor to satisfied customer.

Leveraging Social Media for Affiliate Marketing

In the tapestry of affiliate marketing, social media threads in vibrant patterns of potential. By weaving affiliate links into the fabric of your social media strategy, you can extend your influence well beyond traditional blog posts. Diverse social platforms afford a melange of opportunities to promote affiliate links, each with unique engagement dynamics that can lead to incremental sales growth.

Segmenting and understanding your audience on social media is critical; it ensures that the right products are matched with the right eyes. Exclusive deals and time-sensitive offers can also thrive in this environment, generating urgency and spurring action. Employing social media as a pillar in your affiliate marketing strategy not only diversifies your channels but also enlarges your footprint, thereby nurturing the growth of your affiliate sales.

Maximizing Affiliate Revenue

In the ever-evolving world of affiliate marketing, maximizing revenue is akin to finding the winning formula in a complex equation. It’s a dynamic process, one that requires ongoing optimization, an eye for creative strategies, and a deep understanding of the multifaceted digital marketplace. The choice of affiliates is paramount; they must resonate with the brand’s philosophy and have the clout to sway their followers. The platforms upon which these affiliates operate should also be optimized, ensuring that they are user-friendly and conducive to smooth user journeys.

Investing in premium-quality creatives can have an outsized impact on sales. High-resolution images, engaging videos, and arresting graphics not only capture attention but also bring products to life, encouraging potential customers to envision themselves enjoying the benefits of the purchase. Moreover, cultivating a reputation for trustworthiness and authority within an audience lays the groundwork for long-term relationships and repeat sales, a cornerstone of any successful affiliate marketing venture.

With half of all searches projected to be voice-based, voice search optimization presents itself as a burgeoning avenue to broaden affiliate reach. Not only does it cater to a growing preference among consumers, but it also positions marketers to capitalize on this more natural form of search, heralding a new frontier in affiliate marketing innovation.

Increasing Conversion Rates

To bolster conversion rates, a razor-sharp focus on optimization is key. On-page optimization is the bedrock that makes content both attractive to potential customers and favorable in the eyes of search engines. A meticulously crafted sales funnel is of paramount importance in this endeavor, guiding the website visitor from the awareness stage to the final conversion as smoothly as possible.

Staying abreast of market trends is not just beneficial—it’s a competitive necessity. By tapping into the latest marketing techniques and harnessing them for affiliate campaigns, marketers can refine their offerings to better capture the attention and wallets of consumers. Moreover, vigilant monitoring of campaign performance and regular data reviews are indispensable practices. These analyses empower affiliates to adjust campaigns in real-time, refining strategies to achieve the maximum return on investment while continuously improving conversion rates.

Utilizing Discounts and Special Offers

Discounts and special offers can serve as a magnet for attracting customers to affiliate marketing campaigns. These exclusive offerings augment the allure of products, providing deals that consumers might not find elsewhere. Successful affiliate marketers pride themselves on their negotiation skills, which are crucial for procuring compelling deals to promote.

Advertisement of brand discounts serves as an influential strategy, bolstering the likelihood of consumer purchases. When engaging with brands, forward-thinking affiliates can gain access to campaign goals, target audiences, and promotional materials ahead of public releases, allowing for strategically timed marketing initiatives. What’s more, coupons and specially tailored discounts are a cost-effective method—they are not only appealing but also measurable, making them a formidable tool for attracting new customers and rewarding the loyalty of existing ones.

Tracking and Analyzing Affiliate Campaigns

The meticulous tracking of affiliate links is the linchpin that holds the structure of a campaign analysis together. Equipped with tools like Google Analytics, affiliates can deploy unique tracking codes to dissect the performance of each link. Insights gleaned from this can reveal volumes about visitor engagement and preferences.

Paying close attention to key performance indicators (KPIs), such as conversion rates and earnings per click (EPC), is a pivotal part of measuring success in affiliate marketing. Dissecting data with an analytical eye can be revelatory, empowering affiliates to tailor marketing approaches, ascertain website performance intricacies, and maximize the financial upshot of their endeavors. Accurate monitoring of all affiliate links is not just helpful—it’s essential for making informed tactical decisions and continually optimizing campaign performance for the sake of maximizing affiliate revenue.

Establishing Long-Term Success

Building a successful affiliate marketing empire is akin to running a marathon, where endurance, persistence, and strategy are keys to long-term victory. Rather than being lured by the mirage of immediate success, seasoned affiliate marketers understand the importance of laying down a solid foundation that guarantees sustainable growth over time. One indispensable cornerstone of this foundation is the strategic cultivation of an email list, which according to statistics, promises an astounding ROI of $40 for every $1 spent. This demonstrates that email marketing retains its golden status in the affiliate world, serving as a direct line to potential customers and a cultivator of repeat business.

Another critical strategy for enduring success is the diversification of channels. In an ever-changing digital landscape, reliance on a single channel, such as a social media platform, can be risky. Smart marketers spread their wings across various partnership opportunities, minimizing risks and ensuring a steady inflow of affiliate income from multiple sources. Moreover, selecting affiliate programs with generous cookie lifespans extends the potential for earnings, as it gives customers the necessary time to ponder and complete purchases, benefitting from 24-hour to lifetime cookie durations.

Nurturing Relationships with Affiliate Partners

The art of affiliate marketing transcends the mere exchange of links for commissions; it thrives on the nurturing of relationships. By establishing and maintaining a strong rapport with affiliate partners, marketers set the stage for a mutually beneficial journey of growth. Trust is the currency of choice in these partnerships, and when maintained, it paves the way for enduring affiliate relationships that go beyond transactional interactions.

Ongoing collaboration and positive engagement with partners ensure that these relationships are not fleeting but instead evolve into long-term alliances. The equation is simple: robust partnerships lead to increased opportunities and sustainable revenue streams. Ultimately, nurturing these connections with sincerity and intentionality is a masterstroke strategy for sustained success in the affiliate marketing arena.

Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

Imagine navigating the high seas without a compass; such is the plight of an affiliate marketer out of sync with industry trends. Staying informed and adapting to these trends is not just about riding the wave of novelty—it’s about understanding and tapping into the core of consumer behavior, spending habits, and market dynamics. By leveraging trends, affiliate marketers can create more relevant and appealing content, which seamlessly directs traffic to affiliate links.

The importance of keeping an ear to the ground, especially during peak shopping periods, cannot be stressed enough. It enables marketers to align their affiliate content with the market needs, ensuring that marketing efforts resonate with consumers’ desires and behaviors. Staying in tune with the current wind direction in the affiliate marketing industry is fundamental to crafting strategies that hit the mark.

Networking with Other Successful Affiliates

The journey of a thousand miles is better trekked with allies, and in the realm of affiliate marketing, your cohorts are fellow affiliates. Networking with peers opens a treasure trove of innovative ideas, strategies, and collaboration opportunities. The community of successful affiliates is a melting pot of diversity—from different approaches, styles, and niches, each unique yet interlinked by the common pursuit of marketing excellence.

Participating in affiliate marketing courses or engaging with experienced affiliates opens doors to structured learning and access to resources that would otherwise be beyond reach. These formal and informal educational experiences help in refining strategies and ensuring that your personal marketing style remains authentic and impactful. Networking with those who have already charted the course provides fresh perspectives and can significantly augment one’s affiliate marketing arsenal.

Remember, these passages are information-rich yet digestible, and incorporating a list or table could further enhance clarity and engagement:


  1. John Paul Aguiar says

    Mike, man,, awesome post.,. will be using this on my next product release.

  2. says

    This is awesome post.Building reputation and emailing list is must on which currently I am working.I am moving with perfect steps lets see what happens in future

    Thanks For Sharing Awesome 10 tips

  3. Internet Marketer says

    Brilliant tips there, and I agree that no.7 is very powerful. James Schramko is my IM mentor and his interviews are great.

    My list is very b2b and not in the IM niche, so ‘choosing the right product’ to promote is probably by far the most important factor for me.

    great post as always, will definitely be promoting the re-launch of popupdom.

  4. Aaron Darko says

    Yes, product creators rely on the affiliates to make it a success so they will do anything to support the affiliates get the most sales.

    The people who have the most trust with their list tend to do the best on launches because their list is that more responsive.

    The size of your list doesnt matter at all, its the relationship you have with your list which = how responsive they are. And therefore they are much more likely to act on whatever recommendation you give them

    • Michael,
      Thanks for the information; good stuff as usual.

      How could the size of your list not matter? I’m confused.

      • Kerwin,

        Yeah list size matters but it matters more how responsive, i.e, how active a number of buyers on your list you have.

        Lets say someone has a list of 10, 000 people but when they promote an offer only 1000 people act on it and buy that’s only 10% of your list, so you’re only making 10% of the total revenue that you possible could.

        Now lets say someone has a list of a 1000 people, they promotes the same offer, but they’ve engaged and built the trust of their list, so its much more responsive. Now 450 people buy the offer they’ve promoted, now that’s a 45% R.O.I

        So forget how big your list is and work on creating a list that actually converts, a list of people willing to buy, because what’s a business without customers?

  5. Muito bom….

  6. Thanks Mike, I’m new to your site and list and just wanted to let you know that the information I’m getting from you is top notch. I’ve been burned buy so many promises so far that I’m just not sure who to trust yet. Hopefully, that will change soon.

  7. Marc - SEOPressor says

    Very good tips Michael. Hope “PopUp Domination” has huge success on it’s relaunch cause I’m ready for it!

    – Marc

  8. Juan | Acne No More says

    As Mike stated in his newsletter number 7 is very powerful.


  9. Derek Overington says

    Hi Mike,

    Perfect analysis on how to run an affiliate campaign from beginning to end. No stones left unturned here mate, awesome post!

  10. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Awesome advice Michael.

    I have to agree the webinars work crazy.

    They convert well, produce well, and bring in tons of the right customer.

    We use them all of the time on our site
    in order to market our group coaching program, and even promoting the webinar via our blog has helped our SEO ranks.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. I don’t know how, but every time I read something on your site, I come up with new ideas… Great advice, Michael!

  12. Azad @ Internet Geeks says

    Hey nice information. I like that you had turn your email course into a ebook. good going.


  13. The Bad Blogger - Pop Up Content That Dominate says

    Thanks for this informative tips, I’m really excited about “2.0” and was wondering… is there any new surprise in “2.0” that will make opt-in conversion even better….

  14. I may sound like a “broken record” but Im truly looking forward to your emails in my mailbox. Great tips, reviews, eye-openers and most of all there is this pervasive feeling you are doing it to help “mortals” (as opposed to already successful gurus) succeed online.
    Thank you Michael 🙂

  15. Hi mike,
    I really like this post.Great work dude keep it up?

  16. Jens P. Berget says

    I usually just write reviews of the product, and it works, but I don’t earn a lot of money this way. Your list looks awesome, but on the other hand, it also looks like a lot of work. So, my question is this. Should you always just focus on one affiliate product at a time, like one a month or so? This way it would be a lot easier to do everything right and have one massive campaign other than many small campaigns?

  17. Onibalusi Bamidele says

    Really great post Michael,

    You really listed a lot of great tips in this post.

    I have not been split testing before and I will begin to do that now and see how it improves my conversion.

    Thanks a lot for the great post,

  18. Mujibur Rahman says

    Thanks for these valuable tips. I will be applying them with products that I will be launching.

  19. I love this post. Especially the part about not recommending products that you wont use

  20. Great stuff micheal
    You are a very knowledgable young man, and you come over as very straight with no fluff , you have enlightened myself greatly
    Keep it up and good luck for your future

  21. Andrew - yournetbiz says

    Well done Michael another great post full of information

    thanks for the tips

  22. Chris@Health Insurance Tips says

    Thanks Mike. After reading your post i am thinking about looking for new product launches and creating mini websites about the products that are launched.

  23. Outstanding post! I find that tutorials are really, really good for conversions.

  24. Adesoji Adegbulu@MakeMoneyOnlineNg says

    Great list Michael.

    To me, testing, asking questions and using tutorials is of great importance. I will bookmark this page and re-read it towards the launch of my products. For now, i’m still doing services

  25. TrafficColeman says

    Great Tips Micheal,

    These are maybe the best groups of tips I have seen online for some time now. But it does help if you do have an big list so you can push it out fast.

    “TrafficColeman “Signing Off”

  26. ebusinessmom says

    your article is so helpful. especially to those affiliated with big companies. continue raising your ideas for everyone to see.

  27. Michael Welch says

    Hi Mike,

    Great tips with your article, thanks for all of your great help. With product launches for affiliates.


  28. I haven’t started doing any product launches, yet. However, I will make sure I come back and read this one more time when I start. Thanks for the amazing post! 🙂

  29. David Gordon says

    Thanks for the post Michael, I’m in the process of creating a product launch and your post has given me some fresh ideas. I’ve been sitting here with a sheet of A4 brainstorming.

    Brainstorming is good, but it’s always good t read some one else’s point of view it sort of puts your thoughts into perspective.

  30. Doron Orenstein says

    Hello Mike and everyone else.

    I’m very new to affiliate marketing and professional blogging, so I had a question about PPC ads as they’re referenced in this post, since I always thought that Google ads, while being a bit unattractive, could be used very profitably on a blog site.

    Can you, or anyone else reading this please elaborate on when Mike says “…I have never talked about PPC and most probably don’t have a clue about it and if they do, they probably don’t want to do it, hence why they are on my site learning about blogging.”

    It seems like you see PPC ads as doing more harm than good – correct?

    If so, then how else does one monetize a blog when they’re just getting started out with no list to speak of?

    Otherwise, thanks for the great post!


    • Hello Doron,

      It’s simple really, depending on your industry, Google Ads don’t pay very well:

      Say I send 20 clicks to an affiliate product I’m promoting, I will probably make around $30 – $40.

      If I got 20 clicks on Google Adsense, I could make just $5 – $10 and it could be a lot less depending on what the site is about.



      • Hey Michael,

        Is there usually a given percentage of people that “buy” a product from an affiliate promotion. For example, if I have 100 people clicking to a product, what is a ‘normal’ turn-around ratio.

        • Hello Mandeep,

          It’s hard to say for a couple reasons:

          – Depends on traffic you send, how targetted they are to the product.

          – The landing page itself doesn’t convert.

          I promote somethings that convert at $2 a click and some at 30cent… Perhaps aim for earnings per click which you can track in Clickbank. I love anything that earns me more than $1 a click.



  31. Doron Orenstein says

    Ahh, OK, thanks so much for that Michael. I do understand that it takes a lot of traffic to make money with the Google ads. I will probably end up experimenting with a few different methods, but clearly affiliate ads seem to be the most lucrative way to go when one is just starting out.

  32. Karen Mae Farro says

    Keep up the great work and keep giving tips they are really helpful. Indeed, creating traffic with affiliate ads is the most profitable and rewarding way. Thank you for sharing such a wonder information.

  33. HTC Desire Case says

    Thanks for the tips Michael. I think reviewing the product in the best way that it will sell itself is an art indeed 🙂

  34. Neal Dougan says

    Great tips as always Mike. Well done. I’m taking notes!! Cheers Neal

  35. wijaya valentino says

    niche blog post, i have many benefit from your post. Many many thanks

  36. Bryan @ Money With Articles says

    Awesome tips! And people wonder exactly how super affiliates pull in the big bucks. There’s a lot of work that goes in behind the scenes to make major money. Definitely brewed up a few ideas though. Thanks for the motivation Mike!

  37. George - AffWatch says

    Hey Mike,

    Very detailed overview of how to profit as an affiliate from product launches.

    And these have now started happening in niches other than “internet marketing” as well…

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