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Top Quotes To Inspire Entrepreneurs

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One of the biggest motivations in my entrepreneur career has been quotes and wise words I have received from other entrepreneurs.

Today I decided to list my favorites and I also managed to get a few of my business friends to name a few of theirs too. I hope today’s inspiration will motivate you to succeed in something big and remember – Those who dare, wins!

30 Quotes To Motivate The Entrepreneur

The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing – Carrie Wilkerson

If you live for weekends or vacations, your shit is broken – Gary Vaynerchuk

Go Big, or Go Home – Eliza Dushku

Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure –Napoleon Hill

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work – Thomas Edison

Have the end in mind and every day make sure your working towards it – Ryan Allis

He who begins many things finishes but few – German Proverb

The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it – William James

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance – Derek Bok

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t – A student in Warren G. Tracy’s class

Lend your friend $20, if he doesn’t pay you back then he’s not your friend. Money well spent – Ted Nicolas

Be nice to geek’s, you’ll probably end up working for one – Bill Gates

To never forget that the most important thing in life is the quality of life we lead – Quoted by Tony Hsieh on Retireat21

Its better to own the racecourse then the race horse – Unknown

When you go to buy, don’t show your silver – Chinese Proverb

It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission – Grace Hopper

To win without risk is to triumph without glory – Corneille

Example is not the main thing in influencing other people; it’s the only thing – Abraham Lincoln

Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company – Booker T. Washington

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great – Mark Twain

There is only one success–to be able to spend your life in your own way – Christopher Morley

You don’t buy a nice car and get rich you get rich and buy a nice car – Unknown

Fall seven times, stand up eight – Japanese Proverb

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching – Mooie

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve – Dr. Napoleon Hill

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work – Thomas Alva Edison

If you ain’t making waves, you ain’t kickin’ hard enough – Unknown

What is not started will never get finished – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do not wait to strike until the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking – William B. Sprague

When you cease to dream you cease to live – Malcolm Forbes

My 5 Favourite Entrepreneurial and Inspirational Quotes From Films

Shawshank Redemption

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.

Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies

Fear can hold you, prisoner. Hope can set you free.

American Gangster

The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room

When Huey Lucas flaunted his Nicky Barnes-like superfly outfit at a nightclub, Frank stepped in and dressed down his dressed-out brother. Frank told his brother he was “making too much noise” by wearing a “clown suit” that acted as a billboard to the police advertising, “Arrest me.”

Catch Me If You Can

Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn’t quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

Life’s simple. You make choices and you don’t look back.

Forrest Gump

My Mama always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.

FAQ about staying motivated an an entrepreneur

1. What motivates entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs are often motivated by a variety of factors including the desire for financial independence and success, the opportunity to pursue their passions, and the ability to make a positive impact in their industries and communities.

Seeing others just like you accomplish something is also very motivation. Being dyslexic and seeing that lots of dyslexic entrepreneurs are successful, was very inspiring to me.

2. How do entrepreneurs stay motivated?

Entrepreneurs stay motivated by setting clear goals, creating actionable plans, and celebrating small successes along the way. They also often surround themselves with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can provide guidance and encouragement.

3. What role does self-discipline play in entrepreneurship motivation?

Self-discipline is critical to entrepreneurial success as it helps entrepreneurs stay focused on their goals and follow through on their plans. Entrepreneurs who are self-disciplined are more likely to take consistent, deliberate action towards their goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

4. How can entrepreneurs overcome a lack of motivation?

Entrepreneurs can overcome a lack of motivation by re-evaluating their goals, revisiting their business plans, and seeking support from their network. They can also take a break to recharge and refocus, or try new strategies to reignite their passion for their work.

5. What are some common pitfalls that can negatively affect entrepreneurial motivation?

Some common pitfalls that can negatively affect entrepreneurial motivation include burnout, lack of focus, fear of failure, and feeling overwhelmed. Entrepreneurs can avoid or overcome these challenges by setting realistic goals, prioritizing self-care, seeking support and guidance, and staying open to learning and growth.


  1. Shane - Inspiring your Success says

    I love quotations. I have an ebook full of explained quotations which I hope to extend and perhaps publish. These are very good and you should all be inspired.

  2. WotLK Leveling Guides says

    Wow, some inspirational words there. Wants me to go and work harder!

  3. Harsh Agrawal says

    Great list man!

  4. Farrhad A | The Dollar Diary says

    Rocking quotes!
    Bookmarked it Michael.

  5. I Love the 30 Quotes To Motivate The Entrepreneur, it reminded me of when I lived at home and stuck them up everywhere.

  6. Bill Gates sure hit the mark when he states “Be nice to geek’s, you’ll probably end up working for one ” Life is full of surprises and you never know that someday the person you mistreated will be the one who you work for.

  7. Stuart Wooster says

    Nice quotes! Used one on Facebook Haha!

    I think we should start a thread of quotes in the forum 🙂

  8. Scott :: says

    Danny Ocean in Oceans Eleven had, in my opinion, a good one:
    “If you play long enough, never change the stakes, then the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big… and then, you take the house.”

  9. Doug Gilbert says

    wow, these are great. Thanks for posting Michael!

  10. Wow, nice post. Love the quotes.


  11. Erica Rueschhoff says

    Thanks! Quotes are so powerful and it is great when you get such a power packed list of them! I always say “Relationships Are the Heartbeat of Life” and considering what we all see going on within social media today this is a good one for everyone to remember.

  12. Macala Wright says

    Fantastic list of quotes. Esp. the first three. Thanks!

  13. Simon | Teenius says

    Awesome list.

    I love the one out of spiderman:
    ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.

    And, from a comical perspective, one by Russell Howard:
    ‘What colour do smurfs turn when you choke them?! Consider yourself bamboozled!’ 😉 lol

    Thanks for the followfriday on twitter btw 🙂

  14. James Cunningham says

    Yes, Bill Gates does have quite a few interesting ones (my favourite “we will never make a 32-bit operating system)

    Good on Michael.

  15. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work
    This is so true! So many people miss great opportunities because they are just too damn lazy…

    Great and inspirational post, thanks Michael.

  16. Simply superb. Nice quotes. Great post and enjoyable blog.

  17. If you have nothing to do – please don’t do it with me!

  18. Great post! I love inspirational quotes…. esp. the ” Life’s simple. You make choices and you don’t look back. “

  19. Rick Kats says

    Loving the quotes. Very inspirational. Thanks for the post Michael.

  20. Those are really some good quotes.. I like thomas edison’s saying.. I think its the one that inspires me the most…

  21. jwieczorek says

    Nice collection Michael – great job!

  22. Albert Steven says

    “Set a Goal to be a Millionaire for What it will Make of you to Achieve it.” Jim Rohn.

    Just Post these on my twitter. 🙂

  23. Héctor | Blogging for bloggers says


    Here’s one I just found and would like to share it with you and the rest of people reading this post:

    The Dream is not what you see in sleep; Dream is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep. (Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam)

    Fantastic, huh? 😀

  24. Very awesome comments. My favorite is Bill Gates one 😉

  25. DanMancera says

    Hey man, I think your blog is great!!! Why haven`t you installed the application to share your blog in facebook, twitter and all the social sites? You are loosing free PR!!!

  26. “Work without dream is treacherous, Dream without work will always be a dream”

  27. Greg Balanko-Dickson says

    One of my favorites… “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”- Theodore Roosevelt

  28. Utkarsh Sengar says

    Loved it!

  29. Anthony Bullock says

    Absolutely fantastic post Michael 🙂

    Here’s one from my grandfather:

    “A man is judged by the company he keeps”

  30. Awesome list. Here are my favorites:

    “Waste not, want not” -used by Ben Franklin

    “Bush paths are created by walking in the bush” – An African proverb

    “Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today”.

    Thanks for the awesome post!

  31. James Ballard says

    Everyone has a plan… until they get hit. – Mike Tyson

  32. I think this is the best one of your lists

    My favourite is “to win without risk is to triumph without glory” its just so true to entrepreneurs

  33. My fave one is from Harry Potter…spoken by Dumbeldore…
    After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~J.K. Rowling, “The Man with Two Faces,” Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 1997, spoken by the Albus Dumbledore

  34. Here’s an absolute gem from Sir Richard Branson:

    “The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all!”

  35. Cananito says

    I’ve already heard the Thomas Alva Edison one, but never saw how deep it is. I like that one the most.

  36. Success Life says

    There are really good quotes you have there. I like the Napoleon Hill’s, his one of my favorites.

  37. Nick Tart says

    “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” -Confucius

    The same can be said for creating a job you love.

  38. One of my favourites is by Theodore Roosevelt called “The man in the arena”

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

  39. “What We Think, We Become” (Buddha)

  40. Nothing is easy, But who want’s nothing.

  41. Dr. jim Sellner PhD., DipC. says

    amazing the mount of wisdom in our world.

  42. Hello a quote I love…

    A dream without a goal is just a wish..

  43. thanks for your tips and suggestion after a long time i read this type of article. thanks again.

  44. Cory Shanes says

    Great quotes! One of my favorites is “It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.” Charlotte Whitton

  45. “When you cease to dream you cease to live “,means a lot in times like this where there are so many things to disencourage one.
    We have to forge on even when they are no results immediately

  46. harvestwages says

    just read the list even thought it was up since.
    it’s great but above all; “well done is better than well said”. We should face reality. get busy

  47. Manuel | Income Scene says

    I love quotes. They get me inspired and more determined to get some things done. I think I love this one:

    The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.

    Great work you’re doing here with Income Diary. You are building a HUGE sellable asset.

    And thanks for ALL the inspiration.

  48. Good quotes! I like them all

  49. James Hendricks says

    Great page Michael!

    I feel a rush of energy just reading some of these. Amazing how words on a page can inspire.



  50. Fazal Mayar says

    Those are good quotes but I like the optimisim in some of them. Life is all about optimism, if you believe, you will achieve!

  51. Andrew @ Blogging Guide says

    Quotes have always been a source of inspiration for me. Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed reading it so much.

  52. Anne Helstein says

    I love quotes! I always post them everywhere. Got some really awesome ones from here, that I haven’t heard from before! Thank you for the effort, really appreciate it. 🙂


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