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6 Types of Blog Content and How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Each

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When you think of a blog post, you probably think of something that’s written. Text content, however, is only one of the six types of content that you can create for your blog.

If you want to have a successful blog, you need to start creating the other five types of content, both to stick out and to accommodate different learning styles.

Today I’m going to reveal the six types of blog content and show you how you can maximize your social media reach for each.

Text Content: The Standard Blog Content

The standard text-based blog post makes up a vast majority of blog content. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Text is simple.
    Writing up a post is much easier than creating multimedia content.
  2. Text gets indexed.
    Unlike multimedia content, Google can easily read and index text-based content.
  3. Text is the default.
    People just don’t think about creating other types of content.

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Text Content

There are three things you can do to maximize the shareability of your content:

  1. Create “This’ll Make Me Seem Cool” content.
    People share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. when they want their friends and followers to see them. Part of the reason we share cool tips and stories is that we want to be seen as cool by association. So, if you want your stuff to be shared, make it cool.
  2. Make it easy to share.
    Make sure your site has the Facebook Like and Twitter Tweet buttons. Depending on your audience, consider including the LinkedIn Share, Pinterest Pin, Stumble, Reddit, and Digg buttons too.
  3. Remind them to share.
    One of the most fool-proof ways to get more social shares is to simply ask people to share it by ending your post with, “If you liked this post, Like it below.” (or something along those lines). If you don’t follow the first two steps, however, then even a stark reminder won’t do the trick.

These three tips fall under the text-based content area, but they should be applied to the other five forms of content as well.

Images: Create Blog Posts with Visual Examples

Within text-based blog posts, it’s fairly common for bloggers to include supplementary images. What’s uncommon is for bloggers to create these images themselves.

On 14 Clicks, I wrote a post titled, How SEO, Social Media, and Email Marketing Work Together. Since it’s a pillar article, I put forth the extra effort to create custom images for each concept.

After I created and embedded the custom images into the post, I thought, “how else can I get more out of these images that I just spent a few hours creating?”

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Images

The nice thing about images is that you can re-post them separate from your blog post while still linking to the original post:

  1. Add to Facebook.
    With the new Facebook Pages, you can easily create albums. For every post that you create images, make an album. Then upload those images and link to the original blog post at the beginning of the description.
  2. Add to Flickr.
    In Flickr, you can create sets. Create a set for your blog post and upload your custom images into that set. Within the description, link to the original blog post. Flickr is unlike Facebook in that people use it to search for and find images. The eight images in my original post have only been viewed a couple of hundred times, but they’ve sent 11 non-Flickr trackbacks to the original article.

Maximize Social Reach for Images

Infographics: Long-Form Visual Blog Posts

Infographics have exploded onto the internet and will continue to for a while.

  • Infographics are memorable.
    They’re unique so they stick out in your mind.
  • Infographics are creative.
    When you have room to more creatively communicate your message, you can start appealing to the visual folks.
  • Infographics have a higher perceived value.
    Since infographics are more remarkable than a standard blog post, people are more excited to share them.

The downside to infographics is that they’re not easily indexed by search engines.

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Infographics

Similar to supplementary images, you can re-post your infographics to Facebook and Flickr with links back to the original article.

Pinterest, however, loves infographics. One thing that sets Pinterest apart from other social networks is that, as a user, your only option is to share links, images, recipes, etc. This means people on Pinterest are actively looking for content to fill their boards.
Maximize Social Reach for Infographics
The first-ever Copyblogger infographic received over 30,000 pins.

To add the Pinterest Pin button to your WordPress site, use this tutorial. If you want to create the Pin It button manually for specific posts/infographics, you can do that here.

Slideshows: Organized Visual Blog Posts

If you’ve been on Mashable recently, you’ve noticed that they’ve started displaying many of their posts in slideshow form. This does a few things for their site:

  1. Makes their ads more noticeable.
    If you don’t have to scroll, you won’t scroll past their ads.
  2. Increases page views
    Advertisers also look at pages per visit as a metric to determine the value of ad space on a website.
  3. People like slideshows.
    Slideshows aren’t common, so people enjoy them.

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Slideshows

If you create a slideshow in PowerPoint, you can easily upload it to SlideShare and embed it on your site. Then leave a link in the description where people can find more information related to the slideshow.
Maximize Social Reach for Slideshows
I created this slideshow for 14 Clicks, and it was viewed 87 times on their site. Not much, but 87 people more than otherwise.

Podcasts: Audio Blog Posts

In a recent interview, Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income told us that the #1 way people find his site is through his podcast. Podcasts are effective for a number of reasons:

  1. Podcasts appeal to auditory learners.
    Some people learn better by listening. If you don’t offer an audible version of your message, you’re missing this group.
  2. Podcasts can be consumed while you’re out and about.
    People subscribe to podcasts on iTunes and listen to them in the car, while at the gym, or while running errands, not just when they’re on their computers.
  3. Podcasts help you connect with your audience.
    When you regularly hear somebody’s voice, you begin to trust them more and more.

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Podcasts

Creating a podcast is as simple as talking into a microphone, recording your voice, and uploading it to iTunes.

Distribute your podcast through iTunes because it has a substantial user base of people who are starving for information to listen to.

Take Pat, for example. With 34 podcasts, The Smart Passive Income Podcast is one of the top rated marketing podcasts on iTunes. Pat told us that 19% of the people who meander onto his site first hear about him through this podcast.
Maximize Social Reach for Podcasts
If you’re interested in creating a podcast on iTunes, find out how with Apple’s Making a Podcast. Then I use the Audio Player plugin to embed audio files into posts.

Videos: Visual and Audio Blog Posts

Video is the ultimate communication tool for three reasons:

  1. Video is visual.
    It appeals to visual learners.
  2. Video is audible.
    It appeals to auditory learners.
  3. Video is readable.
    It appeals to people who learn by reading.

If only there was a way to make your blog post tangible so we could appeal to the kinesthetic learners…

How to Maximize Social Media Reach for Videos

Similar to your podcast, once you create your video, upload it to your YouTube channel and link back to your blog.

Here’s a video of Barry Dunlop interviewing Craig Ballantyne a few years back. The video alone is great content, but it was transcribed and made into a popular blog post.

Barry made this video with an iPhone and no tripod. Your first videos don’t have to be as technically impressive as this one.

The Final Word

The reason we have different types of blog content is that people learn in different ways. But, what’s the best way work multimedia content into your blog?

Simply? Work as many images, infographics, slideshows, audio files, and videos into your blog posts as possible. Then re-upload that content onto Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, SlideShare, iTunes, and YouTube with links in the descriptions back to the original post.

More strategically? Maybe your blog can have an infographic day, a slideshow day, a podcast day, and a video day. Then, of course, redistribute your content.

I don’t expect you to go full-bore into the exciting realm of new media content creation. But I do expect you to at least think about it

Truth be told, you probably know enough about social media right now to start your own side business!

Photo by: szeke


  1. Sheyi Shobayo says

    Hmnnn nice list here. Its so great seeing copyblogger with 30k + pins. It shows how viral one’s blog post can go.


    • Nicholas Tart says

      Yeah, that’s just one example. A few of my friends even have entire boards dedicated to infographics. And the founders of Pinterest have talked about the importance of sharing images on their site. It’s like Pinterest was made, in part, to share infographics.

  2. Jamie Northrup says

    I love infographics, I’m actually working on creating 3 this year. I’m also one of the 30000 that repined CopyBlogger’s infographic.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Yeah, I think I might’ve too, Jamie. How do you decide to create an infographic for a post rather than just writing it?

      • Jamie Northrup says

        You can actually do both, but I think it`s best to create an infographic that has information people would need on a regular basis, that way they will bookmark it, share it and maybe even print it. Like checklists for example of things to do for every post, or things to do daily or weekly on your blogs, or social media accounts, etc.

  3. Melinda Curtis says

    I have to tell you, I love your newsletter. By far the best in the business.
    I’ve learned so much from you, I cannot thank you enough.
    Just thought I’d finally give you the credit you and your team deserves.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Thanks, Melinda! I’m sure Michael likes hearing that. He puts a lot of the money he’s made from this site back into giving away free content.

  4. Abigail Johnson Akingbade says

    Thanks for the post. It will take time to do each suggestion. But its worth the effort. Good you wrote this post so I can stay updated on how to create content for my blog. There’s so much to be done. If done correctly I know I could improve my blog!

    Has Incomediary every considered doing more slide shows to demonstrate some of the topics and instructions? Maybe slide shows about success stories from internet marketers or successful people using Michael’s products. I would love to see more slide shows on this site.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Interesting, Abigail. I think Michael would be interested in creating a slide show of people who are using his products effectively if that’s something people are interested in seeing. I’ll think about using a slide show for a post in the future.

  5. Hi Nick,
    I have a question about social buttons. What is better: to have as many as possible social buttons or selected ones, depending on the audience or content of the post. And from Your own experience could You tell us which buttons are the best, the most used, if any at all ????
    Best wishes,

    • Nicholas Tart says

      I would limit it to three, Teresa. On 14 Clicks, I put Like, Tweet, and +1 at the end of each post. Stumble is an option on the left. In fact, StumbleUpon, by far, sends the most amount of traffic to my site. As you know, it depends on your audience. But there have been a number of studies that show how too many choices leads to inaction.

  6. I agree with everything BUT slideshows. If there isn’t an option to see the whole list 1st, I & many I know don’t do slide shows. Also I wanted to know if ur message board for the free e-course will return. I emailed u about that a few weeks ago.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      That’s interesting, Renee, because Abigail above mentioned that she’d like to see more slide shows. I think it comes down to personal preference and learning styles. I will say, however, that slide shows are the least used, but it is another form of blog content. I’m not sure about the message board. Michael gets a lot of emails.

  7. Emmanuel Olonade | says

    Thanks for the post Nick,

    I love the infographic option. I’ve developed a love for Pinterest lately and I should start putting it to good use. Blog post creation has become quite interesting in recent days and I wouldn’t be left behind.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Yeah, people say that content is king. But what they don’t tell you is that there are six different options for creating content. Why do you say that blog post creation has become more interesting?

  8. OnlineMoneyKid says

    Great post Nick. I think you definitely right in that you need to display different types of blog content to keep your readers interest and multimedia is definitely a good one. I have got any video’s on my site yet but will be implementing a few now.

    Thanks for the post

  9. sam beau patrick says

    hey nicholas

    fantastic overview and i wish learning at school had been this easy.

    i like succinct, useful proven info and that is what your blog is about. i am trying to make my blogs successful and while growing a business, speaking profile etc… it still needs attention.

    thanks again and i hope i can teach you something in return one day 🙂

    Cheers Sam

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Sam, schools are wonderful at teaching things, as long as it’s something you’re interested in learning about. One of the neat things about this gig is that I get to learn from the commenters as well, Sam. I’m sure you have something to teach me.

  10. My, my Nicholas, once again a great read. Some of the stuff I had no idea about. I was wondering how to add Pinterest to my blog and now I know. Thanks heaps

  11. christiene says

    Thanks for the information, Nicholas.

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Sure thing, Christiene. In your next comment, tell me about something you learned from the post.

  12. Nick Messenger says

    Hi Nick,

    What I would really love to know is how come, at the grand old age of 23, you are so full of knowledge & capable of sharing that knowledge in a highly interesting, educational way !

    This post really got my little grey cells turning.

    My own personal favourite is video as you really feel as though you know that person by a more personal connection.

    Do you do video posts at all Nick ?

    • Nicholas Tart says

      Hey Nick… I spend most of my free time learning about how others teach. I think it’s fascinating. When I read a blog post, I place more of my focus on how the creator holds my attention than the content of the message itself. I think teaching is the highest calling. That’s what appeals to me most about blogging. You might see a video post down the road ;).

  13. Sune @ says

    Wow – I never even realized how popular Pininterest is! I just realized that I’ve got to do more effort there – I could be losing 30k views!!

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