Get Web Traffic

How we write top list articles using AI in just 5 minutes

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As businesses strive to create content that ranks high in search engines, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly common. One area where AI is particularly useful is in creating top list articles. These types of articles are often popular with readers and can drive significant traffic to a website.

In this article, we will explore how we use AI to create top list articles that are optimized for search engines and designed to engage readers. We will discuss the benefits of using AI, the process we follow, and some examples of successful top list articles we have created using this approach.

I have created more than 100 ‘top list’ type posts that have been viewed by millions of people. These posts are extremely popular and have received positive feedback from various platforms, including Reddit Homepage, New York Times, and Yahoo News. One of my posts even became a Trending Topic on Twitter! The best part is that I can create such posts for free. If you’re interested, I would be happy to show you how.

Why top list articles get more traffic then other articles

There are several reasons why list articles tend to get the most traffic. Firstly, they are usually easy to read and digest, as they present information in a concise and organized manner. This makes them ideal for readers who are looking for quick and useful information.

Additionally, list articles are often shareable, which means that readers are more likely to share them with their friends and family on social media. This can help to increase the reach and visibility of the article, leading to more traffic. Finally, list articles are often optimized for search engines, as they tend to include specific keywords and phrases that people are searching for. This can help the article to rank higher in search results, leading to more traffic from organic search.

My strategy for writing top list articles quickly with AI

All you need is 5 minute and the following:

  1. The keywords / topic you want to write about
  2. The headlines that you are going to use
  3. AI content create tool

Discovering keywords for your AI writen content

Semrush is a great tool for conducting keyword research for a top list article. By using Semrush, you can identify the most popular search terms for your topic and use them to optimize your article for search engines. Start by entering your topic into the Semrush search bar and selecting the “Keyword Analytics” option.

From here, you can see how many searches your topic generates per month, as well as related keywords and phrases that you can include in your article. Use this information to craft a catchy headline and create high-quality content for your top list article.

Writing headlines using Frase AI tool

Frase is a powerful AI tool that we recommend you use to help you create compelling headlines for your top list article. To get started, simply enter your topic and any relevant keywords into the Frase search bar. From there, the tool will generate a list of headlines based on your topic and the keywords you provided. You can choose from these pre-written headlines or use them as inspiration to create your own. Additionally, can analyze your competition’s headlines and suggest improvements to make your headline stand out. Once you have a strong headline, you can use it to structure your top list article and capture your readers’ attention.

Frase can also help you optimize your content for search engines by analyzing your competition’s content and suggesting keywords and related topics to include in your article. Once you have an outline and a list of keywords, you can use the content editor to write your article and ensure that it is well-organized and easy to read.

Some of my most successful post headlines:

Blogging/Make Money Industry

  • Top 30 Most Influential People In Blogger
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Internet Entrepreneur
  • 10 Christmas Gifts For Entrepreneurs
  • 17 Tips To Cure Bloggers Block
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Instagram

Blogging For The Photography Niche

  • Top 30 Most Influential People In Photography
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To be a Photographer
  • 10 Christmas Gifts For Photographers
  • 17 Tips To Fix Bad Photos
  • 20 Photographers To Follow on Instagram

Blogging For The Health Industry

  • Top 30 Most Influential People in Natural Health
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be Healthy
  • 10 Christmas Gifts for Super Healthy People
  • 17 Tips To Cure Acid Reflux
  • 20 Health Experts To Follow on Instagram

If an article is very succesful, you may want to write a whole series for it. For example:

  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Load Time
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Usability
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Blog Layout
  • 10 Ways To Improve your Websites Conversion Rate

Features most important when choosing AI tool for writing content

When choosing an AI tool for writing content, there are several important features to consider. Some of the most important features include:

1. Content creation capabilities: Look for a tool that can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, using AI-powered algorithms and natural language processing.

2. SEO optimization: The tool should be able to analyze your content and suggest keywords and topics to improve your search engine rankings.

3. Collaboration features: If you are working with a team, look for a tool that makes it easy to collaborate and share content.

4. Research capabilities: The tool should be able to conduct research on your topic and provide you with relevant information and data.

5. User-friendly interface: The tool should be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that allows you to access all of its features quickly and easily.

6. Customization and personalization: Look for a tool that allows you to customize your content and tailor it to your audience’s needs.

7. Integration with other tools: The tool should be able to integrate with other tools and platforms, such as content management systems, social media platforms, and email marketing software.

How to layout an article so that it looks good

When it comes to laying out a blog post, there are several things to keep in mind to make it easy to read and engaging for your audience.

1. Start with a catchy headline: Your headline should be attention-grabbing and accurately reflect the content of your post. Use keywords and phrases that your readers are searching for to make it easier for them to find your post. We always think ‘top list’ articles work the best.

2. Use subheadings: Break up your post into sections using subheadings. This makes it easier for readers to scan and find the information they’re looking for.

3. Add images: Incorporate images, videos, and other multimedia to break up text and make your post more visually appealing. Be sure to optimize images for web and include alt text for accessibility and SEO purposes.

4. Use short paragraphs: Long paragraphs can be daunting to read. Break up your text into short paragraphs to make it more digestible for your readers.

5. Incorporate bullet points and lists: Bullet points and lists are great for organizing information in a clear and concise way.

6. Use bold and italicized text: Use bold and italicized text to emphasize important points and make your post more visually interesting.

7. Include a call-to-action: End your post with a clear call-to-action, encouraging readers to engage with your content or take a specific action.

By following these tips, you can create a well-structured and engaging blog post that is easy for your audience to read and enjoy.


  1. Daniel Adetunji says


    This sis amazing bro! A Hundred thousand visitors is a huge amount. I’ll be creating this type of posts on my blog.

    Thanks for sharing


  2. Darnell Jackson says

    This is excellent Michael AND it makes perfect sense,

    It’s funny how we tend to make things that we don’t understand more difficult than they really are.

    This is the best explanation that I’ve seen on getting organic traffic and I follow hundreds of blogs.

    For the rest of 2013 you can call me list post Larry I’m using this advice, I’ll let you know how it goes.

  3. Greg Nunan says

    Awesome post Michael. Absolutely love this strategy. I have pretty much being doing this, but what you outline in just two of 10 points is absolute gold! Looking forward to taking my sites to the next level with this strategy.

  4. Kulwant says

    This article is EPIC.

    I know every IMer either he is big or small is struggling for traffic and you just said, “it’s damn easy for me.” I loved the opening paragraph so I digged more into article.

    This is simply incredible way to write list article and by doing this you can attract attention of more people from your niche.

    After getting inspiration from you I wrote one article 1-2 months back and it was a big hit on my blog. The article was titled “Top 15 Internet Marketing Gurus Changing People’s Lives” and people just loved it.

    Thanks for being always there to teach us in best possible ways.

    • spence cater says

      Hi Kulwant,
      I have a suggestion for your next blog title :

      7 signs that you will NEVER make any money Online!

      You can thank me later 😉


  5. Dr. Babs Yusuf @Edubabs says

    I got the gist, Micheal. Thanks for this educative blog post. I just learnt an important stuff. More grease…

  6. Olatunji Femi says

    Hello Michael,
    Lovely and insightful post. i think you’ve just revealed a goldmine secret that could be worth $1000. 🙂

    Although i have always know that list posts do well a whole lot. This just goes to confirm the point beyond reasonable doubt.

  7. Anthony Santiago says

    Awesome article Michael love your strategy in how you get 100.000 visitors a month

  8. Thank you very much for your nice post. You explained it in details and I will try your strategy to generate more traffics.

  9. Ryan Rollan says

    I want also the same, get around 200,000 visitors a month from Google. I tried as much as possible to make my site looks natural but i didn’t get what you had achieve. i think Google likes you, just saying. anyway thank you for sharing us this great post.

  10. It’s been a while since a post has really resonated with me, and this post did just that.

    Thank you Michael !

  11. Sai Krishna says

    Wow, that’s really fantastic,

    Your tips are just awesome bro, very precise and to the point talks.

    It impressed me, you have revealed a truth and I’m glad to find the post, I have gained much knowledge, and look forward to learn more form you.

  12. One thing that I am not really very clear off. If you pay for some of the articles, what is your contribution to those articles?

    I think that you can get very good articles at that price, but how do you contribute to them when posting them on the website, because after all, I and many of us perceive Income Diary as the signature of Michael Dunlop

  13. Nice one Michael. I think I have to go back and review some of the article titles on my site


  14. Brittany Jones says

    This was very helpful. I’ve been trying to come up with some great post ideas for a long time. My subject is a time clock software. Sometimes it can be difficult coming up with creative, fun ideas for a time clock software that people are wanting to read! I think a list could be a great way to get them to want to read more. Any suggestions on lists I can create? What would you want to know about a time clock software?

  15. Brilliant article Michael.. Thanks you very much for sharing with us… I am definitely going to try this! Thanks again for sharing!

  16. Tha Football Guru says

    Great information, thanks this has helped me a lot.

    My site is all about NFL Football.

    As for suggesting a top list I like to make list like this

    – 10 Mistake Every (Pick Industry) Makes That Successful (Industry) Avoid.

  17. Aqib Shahzad says

    Awesome post Michael. Absolutely love this strategy. I have pretty much being doing this, but what you outline in just two of 10 points is absolute gold! Looking forward to taking my sites to the next level with this strategy.

  18. great infos, THXs a lot, I’ m soaking up everything 🙂

  19. Alexandra Petean-Nicola says

    great way of showing that list articles work for any industry. The topics are there you just need to learn to create quality content fast.

  20. Keith Griffiths says

    Great post, to say it’s easy to generate traffic is an understatement or your not doing yourself justice if you can create so much traffic.

  21. Maegan Anderson says

    Its true that if you want to have many visitors in your site, be specific on what title you will choose for your article because people are more specific in terms of what they are searching. Now I know that odd number is better to open rates and marketing strategy than even numbers. 🙂 Thank you for this, I learned a lot from your blog.

  22. bsmbahamas says

    Wow, where do I sign up, this is the best post/article I’ve read for 2014. I’ll be sure to impliment. Thanks for sharing, this is killer.

  23. This is an awesome post, just what I needed to help me get my posts noticed by google. Thanks for the awesome content.

  24. Kapital Learning says

    good job…i will try top lists for my website

  25. Denis Smith says

    Appreciate this post. Just to make sure, I checked your site’s traffic and it is exponentially growing – now at 166,307. I believe you will soon reach a million if you keep on doing what you are doing now. Great lesson thx.

  26. Hi Michael Dunlop,

    It’s great article and I am following the same for my website, seeing your screenshot you are outsourcing the articles on I need help from you, “how you write the content request form” let say the title “20 Health Experts To Follow on Facebook” Do you provide the 20 health expert facebook profile names to the writer, or they will do research and write their own?

    Can you please send me a sample request content form?
    Do you request 20 articles at the same time with same author or different author?


  27. Emmanuel.c omachoko says

    This is a wonderful blog post Micheal. i have been following you on how to generate good traffic to my blog and hope to get massive traffic soon. keep it up. Charles Emmanuel

  28. Robert Connor says

    That kinda of traffic would be awesome!

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